Love for Rent is a classic TV show in the genre of romantic comedy which stars Elçin
Sangu as “Defne”, Barış Arduç as “Ömer”, Salih Bademci as “Sinan”, Nergis Kumbasar as
“Neriman”, Levent Ülgen as “Necmi” and Onur Büyüktopçu as “Koray”. two different kinds of family types can be seen on this show.
A traditional family model which is Defne’s family, and a modern and wealthy family model which is Ömer’s
family. According to the results of the my observation , several people pointed
out that Defne’s family is in fact resembling a traditional family, whereas the other respondants
stated that the traditional family was put in the show only to make the modern family more
recognizable. Those people who said that it was not very much like a traditional family
pointed out the economical state of the family as a result of their thinking. And some people
thought that the show depicts the modern family model better and it does not reflect traditional
one as good as the modern becuase traditional families are economically weaker that how they
portrayed it on the show.
These comments from the people of the fan of the show that audience seperates the
traditional family from the modern one in their mind acoording to the financial state of the family
and being modern in the way that people dress. This shows us that the traditional family gets out
of the real norms of being a traditional family and adds some elements into that.
The comments who considered themselves more connected to the traditional family
model reflected their thoughts on how they felt the family relationships and connections were
portrayed on the show, and how correct was these portayals. The comment of K. G. is
related to this issue.
The traditional families in the real world have much more connections than the modern
families in a broad sense. The range of the family members is much more extended from the
grandparents’ relatives to the grand children. Thus, this wide range of close people brings
intimacy and powerful emotional bonds between members of the family. There are always some
powerful figures, like a grandfather or the father itself, whose words are the final choice when
there is something to decide on concerning the whole family. Defne’s family on the show fits this
traditional family structure and it is similar in many ways. First of all, the powerful figure in
Defne’s family is her grandmother, who rejects the values that come with a modern family
structure. Also, the close and intimate neighbor relationships on the show matches with the real
world neighbor relationships.
Considering this comment and the other comments that were very much like this one, it is
possible to surmise that the absense of such relationships and the deficits on such relationshps in
the society draw people to watch this kind of tv shows that portrays the traditional family. In a
way, the tv show portrays the family on how it should be, and that attracts people’s attentions
who have similar values of the family that is being portrayed, but not enough. The soap opera
shows us a certain type of family life and structure.
I have never watched this dizi but according to my observations there are prototypes for families mostly according to their economic status. For example the "rich" families are usually ones that do not have strong relationships or strong morality. On the other hand the family which portrayed as traditional like you explained are mostly poor or at least poorer than the other family but they are exceeding in morality and have very strong loving relationships between family members.
ReplyDeleteIt's dangerous to make this kind of generalizations but here we go.
ReplyDeleteFamilies have two types.
1- Poor but proud families, who will fight throughout their lives but never give up on their values. They will triumph at the end.
2- Rich but evil families, who will do anything for more power and money. They don't hesitate to hurt people. They will lose at the end.
The rich family will lose because one of theirs sons or daughters will not be able to bear with the cruelty of the family and change side by risking his or her wealth and future. With his or her help, the poor family will triumph and thanks to the rich kid in the poor family, they will all be financially okay at the end, with the exiled one being the head of the company.
There are three types of woman in Turkish TV.
1- The one who can't raise her voice but work all day for her children. She is the ultimate self-sacrificing woman and there is no sign of womanhood, aside from motherhood. If they are widows, they can get married only at the final when every problem is fixed.
2- The one who's ashamed of her poor family and trying to hide it from her friends. It's always revealed and she sees her faces true faces. She feels illuminated and embraces her true identity. When she gets old, she promotes to type-1 woman.
3- The one who's strong, social and rich who spends time in pubs. This one is one a kind. Except for this woman, no other woman drinks alcohol, works in a executive position and is sexually active. Strange enough, while none of these traits are intrinsically evil, these women are always evil. Turkish TV has never seen a strong, rich and free woman who's not evil. At the end, they lose all their money and end up in jail or dead, since, you know... one can never be rich without being immoral and poverty should be praised.